A place to inspire people to look for new perspectives

Aki Éfféré
Being interviewed by Isaia is a very unique experience. She holds a very strong space of love and acceptance that made me open up areas in me I never thought were possible to share in front of a camera. I was positively changed as a person after the interview because of the things she opened up in me. An absolutely life changing experience I strongly recommend for everyone who gets the opportunity.
My name is Isaia and I am the founder of Looking at Freedom.
This is a place to inspire people to look for new perspectives.
We have so many different thoughts. We all think differently! and this to me is fascinating, so I question my thoughts when exposed to yours’ and want to know more.
I write blog posts on different thoughts. I also interview people. Sometimes I film, sometimes I photograph and sometimes I write.
Let’s make this the go-to hub for a humanity project!