A storytelling platform on a mission to inspire authentic living.

A place to inspire people to look for new perspectives



"Freedom is to have peace to do what one wants to do"


"Vulnerability is a strength that can help in the different stages of life"


"Love is the force that really should mobilize humanity"

man in black and white

Aki Éfféré

Being interviewed by Isaia is a very unique experience. She holds a very strong space of love and acceptance that made me open up areas in me I never thought were possible to share in front of a camera. I was positively changed as a person after the interview because of the things she opened up in me. An absolutely life changing experience I strongly recommend for everyone who gets the opportunity.

Isaia Contreras Holsæter

Founder of Looking at Freedom

My name is Isaia and I am the founder of Looking at Freedom.

This is a place to inspire people to look for new perspectives.

We have so many different thoughts. We all think differently! and this to me is fascinating, so I question my thoughts when exposed to yours’ and want to know more.

I write blog posts on different thoughts. I also interview people. Sometimes I film, sometimes I photograph and sometimes I write.

Let’s make this the go-to hub for a humanity project!

Share your view!

What is your definition?
Inspire others to start a dialogue