Looking at Freedom is born out of the need to find what unites us as a humanity. What makes us similar instead of different.
When we are all set on holding on to our definite truth, we start imposing that truth to others. We also defend our truth, whenever we feel under attack.
So, what if there was a way to realize not only that there isn’t just one truth, but that we are not the guardians of it? By listening to what others think we expand our own beliefs and are forced to let go of what we hold to be true. There are thousand nuances, definitions and perspectives.
Some of the definitions I’m collecting are:
- Freedom
- Vulnerability
- Love
- Happiness
And so much more to come! But all qualities that are uplifting, by insisting on looking for what makes us evolve.
Looking at freedom
A blog of thoughts. A place to breathe and explore what it means to be human.

We are all so different. But I want to focus on what makes us the same, and I believe that absolutely every human being holds something valuable and has thoughtful insights.
A blog of thoughts is about daring to let go of the need of being right, thinking that everyone else is wrong. If we opened our senses up and listened to other perspectives, looked for the value in them and were interested in learning and evolving, our communication would be driven by the need to grow and be constructive, instead of being defensive and looking to impose our righteousness on others. I believe this would lay a ground for a better world.
Different perspectives open our minds up. We reconsider what we hold to be true and go beyond the need of defending ourselves when we feel attacked. Often we feel attacked when someone disagrees with us, we feel threatened. By inspiring people to look for new perspectives we are allowing ourselves to be open. To rethink our truths.
Looking at freedom lays a new foundation. Where we are curious to learn more. Curious to think in new ways. We search for different opinions so we can gain a better knowledge of ourselves.
When we are confronted with different opinions than ours, we learn more about ourselves. We don’t take things personal anymore, thus we can be curious instead of defensive.
Our dialogues become constructive instead of destructive. We exchange and expand our perspectives.
What is freedom to you? What is vulnerability to you? What is love to you? What makes us human according to you? So many questions I’m curious to learn more about.
What is freedom to you?
Looking at freedom would love to hear from you and your thoughts and together expand this catalogue of perspectives, so that we become a better humanity. One that is based on openness, respect, curiosity. One that is constructive instead of destructive.